
Both of these producers, ‘Aine et Fils’ and ‘Pere et Fils’, are connected historically and split into different family businesses in the mid 1800s. Of the two Bouchard producers, ‘Pere et Fils’ is the more prestigious of the Houses and was the original business before ‘Aine et Fils’ left the nest. So of these two wines I’d expect the one from ‘Pere et Fils’ to be of higher quality. That said, to be fair to the bottle from ‘Aine et Fils’ there are other significant differences between them, though this is likely the closest comparison I can get at this low price level. The wine from ‘Aine et Fils’ was a ‘Vin de France’… so the fruit could have come from anywhere in the country, though in this case I believe it was largely sourced from the south west, whereas the bottle from ‘Pere et Fils’ has fruit sourced solely from the Côte-d’Or in Burgundy.

Additional information

Weight 1.4 kg


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