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Espolon Tequilla Gold 750ml
El Espolon Reposado Tequila – The harmonious bouquet and brilliant golden color are due to the attentive and painstaking production process of Espolon Reposado Tequila. With Tequila aging in mind, our white-oak barrels have been carefully designed and constructed to house the spirit for six months, giving it a balance of agave and mild wood flavor.
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2 in stock
El Espolon Reposado Tequila – The harmonious bouquet and brilliant golden color are due to the attentive and painstaking production process of Espolon Reposado Tequila. With Tequila aging in mind, our white-oak barrels have been carefully designed and constructed to house the spirit for six months, giving it a balance of agave and mild wood flavor.
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Weight | 2 kg |
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